스코틀랜드 . 국가 가상화폐(암호화폐) 스코트코인 (Scotcoin) 발행
An new proposal offers to make ScotCoin the official cryptocurrency for Scotland, aiming to tackle poverty and fund charity ventures.
Scottish cryptocurrency, Scotcoin, has been offered to Holyrood in an attempt to make it the nation’s official digital currency.
Speaking to The Herald, David Low – co-owner of Scotcoin – says that a proposal has been sent to Cabinet Secretary Keith Brown MSP outlining a scheme that will help revolutionise Scotland’s relationship with cryptocurrency.
David Low told The Herald that he wants the equivalent of £10,000 in Scotcoin to be given to under-25’s across the nation and if the government rejects his proposal, he intends to set up a national crypto-fund to tackle poverty, investing in charitable causes and community ventures.
스코틀랜드의 The Herald에 따르면, 국가 암호화폐 Scotcoin에 대한 안건이 국회에 제출 됬다. Scotcoin의 공동창시자 David Low는 “나는 스코틀랜드의 내각 비서 Keith Brown MSP에게 Scotcoin 안건을 제출했고, 이 암호화폐를 이용해 스코틀랜드의 빈곤문제를 해결하고, 자선사업을 도왔으면 한다”고 말했다.
뉴스 기사 https://digit.fyi/scottish-cryptocurrency-holyrood/
스코트 코인 공식 홈페이지 https://scotcoinproject.com/
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